Minimalist Dining Room Interior

Bridging Architecture, Psychology, and Universal Design

an all neurotypes firm, specializing in neurodiverse design solutions

Casual Team Meeting

About JARZ

At JARZ Design Studio, we transcend traditional design boundaries to create spaces that resonate with everyone. Based in Denver, CO, with a branch in Santa Barbara, CA, our studio melds architecture with Environmental Psychology and Universal Design to create spaces that are inclusive, stimulating, and emotionally resonant.

Jenny D. Arzberger

Jenny D. Arzberger, CEO of JARZ Design Studio, brings a personal and professional depth to her design work, drawing on her experiences as a neurodiverse individual and a parent of children with special needs. Formerly a special education teacher, Jenny has over 20 years of experience and utilizes Environmental Psychology and Universal Design principles to create adaptive, inclusive environments, particularly in K12 spaces, healthcare facilities and residential settings. Her specialized focus includes designing children’s spaces, sensory gyms, and dining areas that are safe, comforting, and accessible. Jenny's holistic design philosophy not only meets unique needs but also promotes inclusivity, enhancing living spaces for the neurodiverse community and establishing her leadership in inclusive design.

The JARZ Philosophy

Inspired by the belief that architecture shapes our experiences, we delve deep into environmental psychology to understand and implement design elements that foster inclusion, accessibility, and well-being. From the acoustic ambiance to the play of light and color, every detail is meticulously tailored to evoke positive emotional responses and cater to the diverse needs of all users.

Architects/ interior designer hands working with tablet computer, material sample
Interior Design

The JARZ Mission

To redefine the essence of space, making it universally accessible and enjoyable. We specialize in designing residential areas, educational facilities, and healthcare centers, ensuring that each project reflects our commitment to Universal Design - where age, size, ability, or disability are no barriers to an exceptional living experience.

Man in Wheelchair with Service Dog
People Having a Meeting

JARZ Services

  • Innovative Residential Designs: Transforming houses into inclusive homes for children and adults alike.

  • Educational Facilities: Creating learning spaces that inspire and accommodate every student.

  • Healthcare Environments: Designing healthcare settings that comfort and heal, tailored to the unique needs of patients and staff.

  • Partnerships with SAC: Leveraging our collaboration with SAC to secure grants and funding, making your dream projects a reality.

  • Comprehensive Consultations: From interior design brainstorming to public speaking events, we offer a wide range of services to bring your vision to life.

  • Clinical Team Support: Enhancing our designs with expert medical insights into neurodiversity and individual needs.

Architects/ interior designer hands working with tablet computer, material sample
Interior Design

In the News

5280 Magazine

denver co

We're thrilled to announce that JARZ Design Studio is featured in the April 2024 issue of 5280 magazine. Recognized for our innovative approach to creating safe and nurturing spaces, the article spotlights our dedication to serving neurodivergent individuals. Through thoughtful design, we address common environmental stressors, ensuring that every space we craft promotes comfort and growth for those with unique sensory needs. Dive into the pages of 5280 this April to discover how we're designing with purpose and compassion.

Santa Barbara, CA

Santa Barbara Magazine

JARZ Design Studio, which has a second office in Santa Barbara, CA, is currently collaborating with editors from Santa Barbara Magazine to feature an article on their design practices. This piece will explore how JARZ utilizes design and scientific principles to create environments that support the neurodiverse community in the K12 sector and beyond. The focus will be on how their innovative architectural strategies can enhance daily living and inclusivity for individuals with neurodiversity, showcasing JARZ's commitment to leveraging design as a tool for educational support.

Design like a girl

aia workshop

JARZ Design Studio was prominently featured in the "Design Like a Girl" workshop organized by AIA Colorado and NOMA Colorado, aimed at mentoring middle school girls from Denver interested in architecture and design. This presentation aimed to inspire young girls from Denver schools, fostering interest in design through practical examples of innovative architectural concepts. For more details, visit the Design Like a Girl page on AIA Colorado's website


At SA Consulting



Understand what's available:

How do you win?

We: perform the research

So you: know there's help

We: understand the criteria

So you: can shape a solution

Do you qualify?

Obtain funding

We: determine your eligibility

So you: can dream of possibilities

We: execute the application

So you: can help your family

For example, you might obtain grant money to build a sensory gym at home. Or perhaps you need help understanding and filling out your CES Waiver to help with funding your sensory space...?

Kid's room in modern style
Company of classmates sitting together in a classroom
Boy exercising with physical therapist in sensory room

Let Us Help You Reach Your Goals

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Design is a tool, an intervention of sorts, that is given the authority to alleviate unmet neurodiverse needs through evidence-based and Universal Design practices. My career focuses on maintaining the connection between designing to create aesthetically pleasing spaces and designing to meet the needs of all individuals INCLUSIVELY.

Jenny D. Arzberger, B.Arch, ASID


Denver CO | Santa Barbara CA



(720) 202-9206

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